Uberrima Phoenix
Uptrust a leader in trust management

Uberrima Phoenix is a leader in trust management with a focus on the administration of awards made pursuant to personal injury litigation of all types…

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) Claims

Personal Injury Claims
Road Accident Fund (RAF) Claims

Medical Malpractice/Negligence Claims

We offer the following specialised services:
Compliance with Trust Fiduciary Requirements
- Registration of trusts with the Master of the High Court
- Ensure the terms of the trust deed are complied with
- Conduct annual trustee meeting and trust review
- Regular beneficiary needs analysis
- All hours emergency contact for beneficiaries
- Manage RAF undertakings and claim all accident related costs (rehabilitation and trust expenses) back from the RAF annually, ensuring no prescribing of claims.
- Annual trust investment performance review and recommendations
Effective Trust Accounting & Tax
- Register trusts for income tax purposes with SARS
- Prepare trust annual financial statements
- Completion and filing of trust tax returns
Uberrima Phoenix boasts a multidisciplinary team of medical practitioners and therapists, who are employed as specialist case managers to study the available medico legal reports, meet and assess the beneficiary in person, and where necessary, implement appropriate treatment. These plans and regimes are monitored and adjusted in accordance with the needs and progress of the beneficiary. Medically qualified Case Managers conduct a needs analysis of the beneficiary on a regular basis as well as ongoing monitoring and assessment of the beneficiary’s progress in accordance with their treatment plan, and are able to provide in-home or in-hospital appointments should they be required.
Each trust is allocated a dedicated Trust Officer (conversant in the beneficiaries preferred dialect) who is a direct point of contact throughout the administration of the trust. Uberrima Phoenix Trust Officers are trained in dealing with the unique demands and delicacies of special needs cases and potential incapacitated or uncooperative beneficiaries and their family members. They are also trained and experienced in the medical conditions and requirements of common special needs cases.
Trust Officers process beneficiary requests and are equipped to make certain instant decisions and awards as per our company policy. For more involved awards and decisions, Trust Officers have access to our experienced Uberrima Phoenix management team. This process eliminates delays and excessive “red tape”.
Beneficiaries and, where applicable, family members and external trustees are trained on the beneficiary’s requirements as well as the workings of the trust and provided with the support, education, and information they need to ensure the beneficiary receives the care they need.
Uberrima Phoenix ensures that all expenses that fall under the RAF undertaking are claimed correctly, are documented and submitted accurately and timeously, and followed up where payment has not been made appropriately.
Uberrima Phoenix will facilitate the drafting or updating of a last will and testament for beneficiaries to ensure that assets of the trust are distributed appropriately in the instance of a beneficiary’s death